Thursday, December 29, 2005

My "Power Color"'s close to pink

Your Power Color Is Magenta

At Your Highest:

You energize yourself and push others to suceed.

At Your Lowest:

You feel frustrated and totally overwhelmed.

In Love:

You are suprised by who you attract. You're a love magnet.

How You're Attractive:

Open and free spirited, people want to explore the world with you.

Your Eternal Question:

"What is my next source of inspiration?"

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Merry Christmas to me.......

So I have had the most wonderful day ever. Mom called me earlier and asked me if I was sitting down...I said yes & asked if she was pregnant :) She said no - go cross yourself throw salt over your shoulder, all that good stuff. Anyways - so she says what are you doing next week, I'm like - working. She asks me if I would want to go to.................DISNEYWORLD for FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A lady from the church has asked me to go with her to Disney World to help with her kids. She is paying for all my meals, tickets, everything. I am so very excited, I have almost thrown up a few times today :) I love Disney World, haven't been since I was 13. Plus it is CHRISTMAS, which makes me even more incredibly happpy because it will be the first time I have been to Disney World at Christmas time. And I love Christmas too. I'm just so excited I can barely stand myself!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Personality Tests

This really must be who I am because I have taken one of these "personality tests" before (I think it was at and it said the same thing about me. I consider it to be a fairly good description of my personality......
You Have a Choleric Temperament
You are a person of great enthusiasm - easily excited by many things.Unsatisfied by the ordinary, you are reaching for an epic, extraordinary life.You want the best. The best life. The best love. The best reputation.
You posses a sharp and keen intellect. Your mind is your primary weapon.Strong willed, nothing can keep you down. Your energy can break down any wall.You're an instantly passionate person - and this passion gives you an intoxicating power over others.
At your worst, you are a narcissist. Full of yourself and even proud of your faults.Stubborn and opinionated, you know what you think is right. End of discussion.A bit of a misanthrope, you often see others as weak, ignorant, and inferior.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Celebrity Look A Like ????

OK, so I finally did the celebrity look a like on Emily's blog. It was quite fun. Here are my results.....I selected all genders - it's quite funny

Hilary Duff 65%
Barbara Stanwyck 59%
Penelope Cruz 57%
John Lennon 51% (WHAT????)
Kate Winslet 48% (Gretchen has always told me I look like she is 48% correct)
Paris Hilton 41% ??????
Rock Hudson 41% - going to have to take this one as a compliment considering he was pretty good looking

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Is it silly of me to wish, dream, hope, pray for that one true love who will come riding in on his white horse and sweep me off my feet? Tab & I were watching one of my all time favorite Christmas movies the other day (White Christmas) and for some reason it made me start thinking about this. I grew up watching old classical movies where everything always ends up happy and perfect and everyone ends up breaking out in a song and dance routine. I know that isn't how real life is, but wouldn't it be nice to find someone who wouldn't mind breaking out in a song and dance routine every now & then?? ;) (j/k?) Yes, I know the guys I have dated in the past probably wouldn't lead anyone who knows me to think that I actually want to be happy, but really.....I do!!!! I just seem to pick the wrong guys - they seem OK at first, but then there's this other side. And not just other sides like everyone has....but other sides that has you wondering (well everyone but me usually) what the Hell is she thinking??????!?!?!?!?! I am just a hopeless romantic who will no longer settle for just OK when it comes to a relationship. There I did it, WOW, feel much better. Now back to watching...The Triangle on Sci Fi and of course one of the many scarfs I am working on for Christmas

Thursday, December 01, 2005

My flower......

You are a Carnation:
You are friendly, energetic, cheerful, and bubbly.
You love being around people. Outgoing and
talkative, you rarely meet a stranger. Others
feel at ease around you because of your playful
Symbolism: In Victorian times carnations were given
to show fascination with another. They also
symbolize friendship and whimsicalness.

Which Flower are You?
brought to you by

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

My cross dressing dog

So, Lucy(my precious - yet not very girly- dog) went to the groomers last week (which she usually does) - however this visit was a little different. My mom & Katie took her and decided to get the "Top Dog" package added. This means they paint her nails (I had always wanted to do this), put holiday smelling cologne on her (she did smell like cookie), and she got special holiday bandana. They called and told me they had done it - which of course I got very excited about. SO Katie goes to pick her up and brings her by work so I can see her. My dog looked like a transvestite with her red toenails. She never, ever needs to have her nails painted again - it just doesn't look right. Katie also said it made her look like she had just torn into some kind of animal. It's cute on some dogs, but not on Lucy, it's actually quite funny looking. So we will stick to the t-shirts and sweaters she has.....and NEVER get her nails painted again.

The most Wonderful time of the year (other than my birthday)

So it's getting that time of year.........Thanksgiving is over and here it comes!!! Thanksgiving weekend was great - got to spend time with my family, us "granddaughters" did a fabulous job (if I do say so myself) preparing Thanksgiving dinner for everyone, spoke to Brad on the phone - all the way in Iraq, saw Walk The Line, saw Harry Potter, did some shopping, watched A LOT of Christmas movies, finished up a knitting project, put up the Christmas tree....WOW, it didn't seem like much until I typed it out. Here are (of course) some pictures from Thanksgiving - you seriously didn't think I would leave out pictures......

Mary & Linda with Madelyn

Linda & Katie

Family around the table - I'm on the phone with Brad :) (my cousin in Iraq - he called and we all got to talk to him)

Chloe & Brett

Ma (and Gretchen's lovely centerpiece)

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Keep your fingers & toes crossed

I have been 19 hours without a cigarette. I am really trying hard this time. Mom was very pleased when I told her I was going to quit. I didn't even realize until this morning but today is Great American Smokeout Day - I think it's a sign :)

Back to School.......

So I did it....I went and registered for classes this morning at the prestigious institution AB Tech (it really is a pretty good school). Anyway, I think I may need to go have my head examined because I signed up for three classes, working 40 hours a week and trying to get to the gym three times a week....It's going to be rough. I will be in class Monday, Tuesday & Thursday night (notice I left Wednesday night open for Lost...j/k I would have taken a Wednesday class if needed) I am taking English, Success & Study Skills (required for every student at AB Tech to graduate) and Interpersonal Communication (it was either that or Public Speaking - also a requirement for every student to graduate). So it is official - well it will be official once I pay my tuition - I am a student again. It's going to take forever just to get my college transfer degree......but I'm going to do it :)

Happy News!!!

My very good friend Hope just got engaged two weekends ago. I think I am as excited about the wedding as she is. I am going to be a bridesmaid!! Here is a picture of her LOVELY ring

Monday, November 07, 2005

More fall pictures

This one is right outside Candor. Home sweet home :)

View off the back porch

Little Miss Lucy playing in the leaves

Tree I pass every morning on my way in - I love it. Notice the color.....

View from our front yard :)

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Fall Colors

I went driving around today around the house to take some pictures of the leaves changing. I am so lucky to live in an area this beautiful. All these pictures were taken either at my house or within 2 miles of the house. I hope you enjoy the beautiful colors!!

Halloween Pictures - I know it's late

Here are the pictures from our lovely Halloween weekend. We went to the B93.7 Fright Night party at the Hyatt in Greenville. Heather was the star from Flashdance, Jenny was a gangster, Tab was a pimp and Caryn & I were her....employees. It was a fun, yet very interesting night - as it usually is when we all go out. Tab & I discovered that Caryn loves windchimes - she almost knocked an entire display of them down in Ingles. This evening also led to an event that caused Lee and I to not talk for 3 days, and ended with us being "friends" - basically if we see each other we can be nice to each other. It wasn't going to work anyway, I had sort of figured that out about two weeks before this happened, but I just wasn't 100% for sure until Halloween weekend.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Temple Game

Here are some pictures from the Temple game this weekend. It was a LOT of fun!!!! It was Me, Tab, Katie, Josh, Ariel, Will, Darcy, Sabrina, 2 of Sabrina's friends, Nicola & Collyar. My dad's best friend from college (who played football at Clemson) was also there. After the game we walked downtown to meet mom, dad & josie and have a few drinks. Lee was there with two of his friends. It was a pretty fun weekend!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Is it sad that the highlight of my week (other than Clemson football games & maybe getting to see Lee) is Wednesday nights at 9 when Lost comes on? I have become addicted to that show - I love it. The plot is great, the way the characters are built up and you learn the back stories - is addicting. However, I am nowhere near as addicted as the people who post messages on the Lost message board on ABC's website These people take enjoying a show to an entirely different level. They analyze every single element!!! I don't see how they have the time to sit there and freeze frame each scene and find "hidden" elements. I read one post a few weeks ago that said the reason the plane crashed is because everyone on it had sold their soul to the devil and they were sent there as payback. Come on people, just let the show entertain you and don't question every little thing in each episode!!! They even try to analyze the 30 second preview for next weeks show - it's taking it a little too far, I think....

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Fripp Trip II

OK, so I have too many pics............

Monday, October 10, 2005

Fripp Trip

Here are some pictures from my trip this weekend to see Kristy & Sutty. It was soooo much fun, I didn't want to come back. I totally ruined the diet this weekend, but what's new, I seem to do that every weekend. I promise I will try and do some more tonight - I saw some more of your quizzes on your other blog Emily, maybe that will get my creative juices flowing. I just can't/don't write like I used to...............

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

More Pictures

Here are some pictures from this weekend: me & Katie at Concorde Mills, Josie on the carousel and me & Lisa (she is so cute pregnant - I love it).

Monday, September 26, 2005

Exciting News!!

My little brother might come home this weekend and I am so very excited cause I miss him a bunch. Plus, Katie might come home too and Lee might come up as well so he gets to meet them all - very exciting!!!! Other news - I have lost 13.5 inches and 2.5 pounds going to curves for a month. Considering I gained 4 pounds in the midst of the month because I was bad and still managed to lose 2.5 pounds - I am very pleased.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I am completely uncreative today

So, since I am completely uncreative - I am taking another one of Emily's quiz things she has. I am a loser, I know it, but I like doing these things and I promise I will try to start being more creative

last book you read: Trace by Patricia Cornwell
last phone number you called: from work - Tab at work. from my cell - my voicemail
last show you watched on TV: Prison Break & then CSI
last thing you had to drink: water
last thing you ate: a Lean Cuisine meal - Salisbury steak & mac & cheese (it only put me over 1 carb)
last time you cried: earlier today - from laughing so hard at a very funny thing i found in our computer system.
last time you smiled: a minute ago - got an email that made me smile
last person you hugged: Josie
last person you talked to on the phone: work - Tab cell - Lee
last thing you smelled: my Lean Cuisine meal
last CD that you bought: there were 2 - Prince's Greatest Hits and Pat Benatar's Greatest Hits
last song you sang: at karaoke - Strawberry Wine. in my car - Ice, Ice Baby :)
last thing you laughed at: gonna have to go with the work incident earlier that almost made me pee

what's in your cd player: 13 going on 30 soundtrack - i think
what time did you wake up today: 7:45 - not really great when i have to be at work at 8:30
current annoyance: People who are stupid that I have to deal with at work
current longing: a vacation somewhere far, far away

current favorite article of clothing: A VERY cute brown shirt I bought at Lerner's when I had my "i'm single now" shopping spree
favorite place to be: Clemson, SC - DEATH VALLEY, Charleston, and Fripp (when I was younger - haven't been in a few years).
least favorite place: work
do you believe in an afterlife: yes - Heaven
how tall are you: 5'4 and 1/4
favorite word: SHUT UP - thanks to Katie
favorite book: The DaVinci Code, In Her Shoes, Good in Bed.... love to read
random lyric: I like Emily's cause I love John Legend, but I won't copy......
i may seem: innocent
but i'm really: not quite innocent
in the morning i: am slow to get out of bed, cranky - on workdays
i like to sleep: yes, i like to sleep - entirely too much
if i could be doing anything right now, i would be: have all my friends in the same area for one day so we could have a blast
are you a daredevil?: no
have you ever told a secret you swore you'd never tell?: yes
do looks matter?: of course, but they're not everything
how do you release your anger?: Crying, shopping, eating - really healthy
my second home is: Wild Wings lately......
money: I spent it way too frequently on things I do not need
one thing i have that i wish i didn't is: these pounds i am trying to get rid of
all you need is: love
something i want but i don't really need is: a new car, an awesome vacation for me & all my friends
something I need but i don't really want is: another surgery
*do you...*drink?: i do.
have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: not so much a's complicated. I have a friend in Greenville that I like to hang out with on the weekends. He is great and a lot of fun
have a dream that keeps coming back?: no
believe there is life on other planets?: I don't know
read the newspaper?: Not the actual newspaper, but I read the news on-line every day
consider yourself tolerant of others?: EXTREMELY - a little too tolerant
police a friend or foe?: Friend
wear hats? I do like to wear hats. Not so sure about them since the haircut though...

Monday, September 19, 2005

Food, diets, all that fun stuff

So why do diets have to be so unbelievably horrible? I am on a diet right now that at first I didn't think was going to be too horrible, especially since I love cheese and I am doing low carb/high protein. Well I made the statement to my mother last night that I don't think I have ever been so sick of eating meat & cheese in all my life. I feel like that is all I do all day long is eat meat - just give me a raw piece of meat and I will be fulfilling my diet requirements. I totally ruined the diet this weekend because of the football game and of course the beer I drank was not low cal/low carb, so I will have to work extra hard today at the gym to work that off, and a cajun chicken biscuit from Bojangles with some Botato Rounds isn't exactly low carb either. But you know what - I DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wouldn't it be marvelous if you could take some kind of magic pill that would just block out all the bad stuff in food so you could still eat all the yummy things we all enjoy to eat so much?? It's time to quit complaining and get back to my lovely "salad" which consists of a little bit of spinach, A LOT OF TURKEY, two whole eggs, feta cheese, mushrooms and at least i get to have my ranch dressing. Don't get me wrong it is very delicious, but do you notice that A LOT OF TURKEY is in capital letters. Sometimes I just want some veggies. Quit complaining Heidi - you are going to be a sexy beast when this is all over with :) That's what I try to keep telling myself..........

Clemson vs. Miami

What can I say - it was a good game. I hate that we ended up losing, but in triple overtime I can swallow it a little better, cause we put up a good fight. So here are some pictures from this weekend and my new lovely hairstyle

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Me, Tabbers & Krust - the weekend of Krust's Bachelorette Party. That was a FUN weekend :)

Me & Jennifer

This is Me & Jennifer one night before going out to Wild Wings. This is pre Jennifer having her braces removed. And of course - I have lipstick on my teeth, but other than that I think it is a cute picture!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Fun Questions - I love these things

OK, so I stole this from Emily's blog. I am going to try and answer these on my lunch break - we will see how it goes.

When was the last time you cried? Thursday night - I was in mucho pain.
Have you ever faked sick? Oh, yes!!!
What was the last lie you said? I told someone here at work I was having a fabulous day - not so much was that the truth. It's not that it is a horrible day, I just don't want to be here.
Have you ever cried during a movie? Ummm....yes, many movies. I am a fountain of tears
Who was the last person you couldn't take your eyes off of? This weekend - Lee
Have you ever been drunk? yes
Have you ever tried drugs? pleading the fifth
Do you smoke? yes - tried to quit
What's the farthest you've ever gone on a dare? Not one to participate in dares really
What is your full name? Like I would put that on the internet
What is your blood-type? O negative - my blood goes to babies
Have you ever been in a car accident? Nope, knock on wood, I have not
How old were you when you received your first kiss?Can't remember. That's sad
Who was your first kiss?Again, can't remember
Have you ever had an online relationship? Not really a relationship, just talked to someone
Have you ever had phone-sex?No.
Have you ever been rejected by a crush? I don't think so because I have never really had a crush I was obsessed with or anything. But if course I have been rejected
Have you ever made a prank phone call? No
Have you ever said "I Love you" and not meant it?No
What's your favourite childhood memory?Going to Clemson football games with my whole family. Spending time with my MeMaw
Is there anything that you have done that you regret? Yes.
What do you want to be when you grow up? A succseeful restaurant owner. Happy with myself
What is your political persuasion? Registered Republican. I like to consider myself independent though
Have you ever had cybersex?No.
Do you believe in God? Yes
Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes
Do you believe in karma? I sure would love to believe it is true. Cause if it is, man do I know someone who is going to get it.
Who was your first crush? Jon in NKOTB :)
Who do you have a crush on? The Rock, Vin Diesel, the lead singer of Electric Boogaloo (my favorite local band), oh yeah and of course Kenny Chesney
What are you afraid of? deep down - never finding someone who loves me deeply, being alone silly things - snakes, spiders, trucks on the interstate
Are you religious? Yes
What person do you trust the most? My mom, Katie & Tab
Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend? Chance something in middle school
What is the best compliment you have ever received? Someone once told me that I was just as beautiful on the outside as I am on the inside
What is the meanest thing anyone has said about you? Someone implied once that I was racist, because I didn't assume something that I was apparently supposed to. Long, very sad story. Oh yeah, and people saying my chest is fake.
What is the longest crush/relationship you have had? three and a half years (WHY???!?!?)
What is your greatest weakness? I am way too nice
Do you get along with your family? Yes, very much so
Do you play any instruments? Sort of the piano, used to play the clarinet, I can sing
What kind of music do you like? Just about everything - except for screaming rock music (i call it goat sacrificing music)
Do you think you're attractive? Of course I do, especially since I am no longer with someone that made me feel like I was the most unattractive person in the world
Would you ever get a tattoo? Have one - thinking about getting another
How many piercings do you have? 2 in each ear. Used to have my tongue pierced
Who makes you laugh? Tab, my little sisters, Hope, THOMAS, just about anyone can make me laugh
Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours? On Saturdays during football season - Tommy Bowden
Have you ever seen a dead body? Yes at funerals and I saw one get embalmed
What is one thing scientists should invent? A quick way to loose weight
Have you ever broken a bone? Surprisingly, considering the number of surgeries I have had, no I have not broken a bone.
What happens after you die? I believe if you are saved you go to heaven.
Do you watch or read the news? Yes, and I end up depressing myself.
What stereotype would you label yourself as being? I don't really know what stereotype I would fit into?Would your friends agree with that stereotypic label?N/A
If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Princess Banana Hammock
If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go? To when my grandmother was alive. And probably to the summer before my freshman year in college - I think I would make some better decisions
If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change? The fact that I am considered a doormat
Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Nope.
Have you ever played strip poker? Nope
Would you ever lie to someone to make them feel good about themselves? Yes.
What do you want your friends to think about you? That I am a good listener, someone who can make them laugh and that I am trustworthy
What’s the biggest argument you've ever gotten into? With my ex
Have you ever bitten someone? Playfully.....yes
When's your birthday? February 22
What’s the most you've ever eaten in one sitting?I don’t keep track of that stuff!!! I'm sure it was a lot. That's all we did on our LOVELY cruise
If you could go back and change one day, what would it be? WOW, there are WAY too many days I would choose to change
Do you remember your dreams? Not very often
Have you ever been in love? Yes.
Are you a morning person or a night person? Definitely a night person
Do you have any phobias? yes, most of them irrational
What's the meanest thing you've ever done to someone? Actually done - nothing. Thought about doing - that's a lot
Have you ever been to the hospital? I have a frequent patient pass (just kidding).
Do any medical problems run in your family? I don't have the energy to type them all
Have anyone ever been disowned from your family? No.
Have you ever had a nightmare?Yes.
Do you say meaner things to your friends or your enemies? Neither. I don't speak to "enemies".
Would you ever participate in a threesome? no
Would you ever pay for a prostititue?no
Have you ever mooned or flashed someone?Yes, flash.
Have you ever cheated on your bf/gf? Nope, never. Cheated on - yes
Have you ever laughed so hard you peed in your pants? Yes - not soaking wet, but I have
Have you ever written a love letter? Yes.
Have you ever attempted suicide? No
Do you prefer boxers or briefs? boxer-briefs.
Have you ever been in a fistfight?No.
Do you have any hidden talents? I am not sure - if so, I haven't found out about it yet
Do you usually prefer books or movies?Both. I love both.
Who is your favourite person to talk to? Tab, she understands me the most and she makes me laugh. My sister (Katie) would have to be on that list too.
Who is always able to cheer you up when you're sad? Tab & my little sister, Josie
Would you ever have sex before marriage? I have.
Who do you talk to most on the phone? Jennifer.
Do you have a secret that you're ashamed of? Yes.
Do you prefer British or American spelling of words?I don't prefer either.
Have you ever gotten detention? I think I did once.
How do you vent your anger? Crying, maybe some yelling, but mainly crying
Have you ever been on a diet? Yes, on a miserable one right now
Would you ever date someone younger than you? Yes.
Is your best friend a virgin? No.
What's a rumor someone has spread about you? That my boobs are fake.
Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness? Depression and anxiety when I was 19.
Have you ever cut yourself on purpose?No.
Have you ever wanted to murder someone?No. Not really.
Have you ever hated someone?No, but I very much do not like some people.
Do you prefer talking on the phone or online? Depends on who it is and where I am at.
Do you consider yourself popular? I don't know.
Would you ever tell the person you have a crush on that you like them? Probably.
Have you ever had a crush on an enemy?No
Have you ever had a crush on a best friend? Sort of, but never would have acted on it
What is your favourite book? The Davinci Code, Good in Bed & In Her Shoes & the Harry Potter books.
Do you have a collection of anything? Sort of - salt shakers and thimbles
Are you happy with the person you are becoming? Yes, I finally am.
Are you a different person now then you were 5 years ago? I think I am different.
What do you see yourself as being in 5 years from now? I would like to be married with a family and have a job that I LOVE to go to
Are you happy with the life you have? I would have to say considering what I have been through so far - yes.

Monday, September 12, 2005


WOW!!!! So I have finally done it - created my very own blog. It's very exciting - I love reading all my other friends blogs, so I guess it was time for me to create one on my own. I hope I can think of plenty of things to say....