Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Bad Idea...yet very resourceful....

Yesterday, I was changing into my gym clothes at work and realized I had left my sport bras at home (yes I have to wear two). Needless to say...I was not going to make it for my two hour classes without..unless I drove home and completely missed my first class. SOOOOO, I decided it would be a good idea to improvise and decided to use packing tape to...tape myself down instead. Hope (such a good friend) assisted me in the taping process. At first, it was fabulous - there was no movement at all. I looked like a completely different person...kind of creepy. Then - I get to class. After causing my friends from class & the instructor to bust out laughing after I told them what I had done....I ended up taking it off about 30 minutes into class. Apparently we had taped me down a little to tightly and I was basically hyperventilating. It was hilarious..... But, next time I get a MacGyver inspiration ...I'll think about it a little more.


So, I know I'm being a horrible blogger again....and no one is probably reading this, but I'm perfectly OK with that! I restarted this for me...as a release....and so that Emily would have away to keep up with my life :) OK - & Hope too...since I made her start one & then quit blogging.

New stuff.....Emily came into to the state for a lovely visit on her birthday weekend. I was able to get to spend a wonderful evening with her beautiful children, Poppins, Voldemort and The Man. It was so much fun! But do you know what I realized on the two hour drive home.....I DIDN'T TAKE ANY PICTURES!!!!!!!! I HAD MY CAMERA!!!!!!! One of my bestest friends from high school (well, just bestest friends ever) comes into town from UTAH and I didn't TAKE A PICTURE!!!!!!!!! I was kicking myself the whole way home, it caused lots of bruising.. :)

New Stuff #2 - Very exciting, momentous day this past week. I got my first ever business cards. I have handed my cards out to no one related to my actual work...except for Hope....I figure they will come in handy for entering contests, etc. I asked the big boss if it would be OK if bedazzled, feathered, girlified my business cards - his response was "the company giveth & the company can taketh away"
Hope said I could do just one - as long as I didn't give it out to ANYONE.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

New Name

So I renamed my blog because this fits me more....now. I do try to always find the bright side in most situations (work is excluded in this statement). This being said, I have to tell you a funny story about my friends Hope and Lisa's new opinion of me... At lunch one day it was determined that out of the three of us, I would be the most likely to be a serial killer....because I am so happy & chipper all the time, and that no one would believe that someone could be that way unless there was something mentally unstable about them. They then proceeded to discuss how I would be the Disney serial killer and would dress up my victims in princess gowns....I was quite frightened, disturbed and slightly amused. Can you tell we all watch too much TV....

Previous to this, I had also determined that I was most likely to get tricked into smuggling drugs unknowingly into the country and spend time in a foreign prison. This came after watching a program on National Geographic while on the elliptical machine at the gym. It was basically the real story behind Brokedown Palace. But it was so sad, because as I was watching it, I was thinking...I could so see myself falling for this. So I have made a note to myself - no accepting free trips out of the country in exchange for bringing packages back for strangers.....

So...I'm back

I know it has been awhile and I'm sure no one who used to check my blog is still actually checking this anymore.....but I'm giving it another shot at the encouragement/inspiration of Emily . So I'm going to give it a shot again and see what happens. I'm not promising anything profound or deep contemplations about....anything, just me being me and saying what I'm thinking which at times can be quite interesting.