Wednesday, October 03, 2007

New Name

So I renamed my blog because this fits me I do try to always find the bright side in most situations (work is excluded in this statement). This being said, I have to tell you a funny story about my friends Hope and Lisa's new opinion of me... At lunch one day it was determined that out of the three of us, I would be the most likely to be a serial killer....because I am so happy & chipper all the time, and that no one would believe that someone could be that way unless there was something mentally unstable about them. They then proceeded to discuss how I would be the Disney serial killer and would dress up my victims in princess gowns....I was quite frightened, disturbed and slightly amused. Can you tell we all watch too much TV....

Previous to this, I had also determined that I was most likely to get tricked into smuggling drugs unknowingly into the country and spend time in a foreign prison. This came after watching a program on National Geographic while on the elliptical machine at the gym. It was basically the real story behind Brokedown Palace. But it was so sad, because as I was watching it, I was thinking...I could so see myself falling for this. So I have made a note to myself - no accepting free trips out of the country in exchange for bringing packages back for strangers.....


emily said...

I'm so paranoid that I'm going to get into one of those scam situations. Always.

Disney serial killer, huh? Yeah, that's pretty disturbing.

Hope said...

Don't let Heidi fool you--she even tries to find the bright side at can just be a little tougher there than other places sometimes. As for "The Disney Killer"...sorry, but it really cracks me up (and Heidi laughed, too)!!!