Monday, March 27, 2006

Update time

OK, so a quick update as to what has been going on in my life since the last time I posted....

*Had a birthday - Happy #26 to me!!!
*Bought a new car for my birthday - 2004 Toyota Matrix - no pictures yet Em....sorry
*Started dating a new guy
*Stopped dating new guy
*Made a 98 and then a 100 on two papers in my writing class
*Made a 100 on all my journals for one class - the only grade I have so far in that class...
*Love my communications class -think I am making an A
*Possibly thinking about majoring in communications and minoring in psychology...field in Public Relations...we'll see
*Planned a trip to go see Em in late May/beginning of June - so very excited about this
*Dyed my hair - it's almost natural
*Got a raise
*Went on a major shopping spree at my birthday - BUT - I was an awesome bargain shopper - spent $110 - saved $430!!!!!!
*Went to Alabama for a long weekend to see my brother for the first time at his new school - not really new anymore since this is his second year
*Hope picked out her wedding dress
*Hope picked out our bridesmaid dresses
*Went to a plastic surgeon to have a consultation about having breast reduction...
*Decided to give myself one year to lose some more weight before I have the surgery.

WOW - I can't think of anything else new, but I'm sure I'm forgetting something....I'll try to update again soon...maybe...


Hope said...

Guess what....finally got my own blog going, but I think I'm going to need your help!!

Hope said...

WOW!! I made it as a link on your blog!! I am so excited!! I feel like a celebrity!