Sunday, May 07, 2006

Shoddy haircut leads to house fire and death of beloved dog

Yes, this could be a headline sometime in the near future in my area. Let me explain - a few weeks ago, I went with my very good friend Hope to her hair salon. We were out for the day doing wedding stuff and she had an appointment, so I went alog. AND since I needed a hair cut as well, we decided to see if someone at the salon could do my hair as well, since normally, I would just go to Wal-Mart and get it cut. We thought we were SOOOO lucky when someone else was free. Side note - this was NOT the Wal-Mart salon, it was a very nice salon. So, I got my hair cut - decided to opt out of the blow dry, since that made it even more expensive. Well I dried my hair as I normally do, and noticed that my left side was doing the dreaded flip. I kept working at it and could not get that side to turn under - the right side was perfect as always. So when my hair was perfectly dry, I started to freak out - WHY IS MY VERY SIMPLE YET STYLISH HAIR CUT, NOT WORKING??!?!?!?!! Hope's very sweet hairstylist offered to help me fix it with the curling iron and it sort of looked better. I kept hoping this was just a fluke. I soon found out it wasn't. The first time I washed and dried my hair I was filled with anxiety, hoping it was all just a very bad dream. I begin to notice it happening - the flip AGAIN. I fought and fought with it, trying to prevent it from happening, yet despite my best efforts, it happened. This is where the paranoia sets in - I had to use a curling iron. Yes, this doesn't seem to be something to set fear in the heart of a 26 year old woman, but apparently it is for me. See, I have never had to use a curling iron. I have ALWAYS had hairstyles that require little, to no maintenance. Needless to say, having to use said curling iron has turned my world upside down. Every morning I have to use this horrid device. And every morning on my way to work I begin to panic - wondering - Did I turn it off? What if I didn't turn it off? What if the house burns down? Even worse - WHAT IF LUCY BURNS TO DEATH IN THE FIRE???? (my dog) I have turned around and gone back to check this a few times - it's ridiculous. I have left a curling iron rule my life. I need serious help :) Or a better haircut - which I will be receiving in T-Minus 13 days and counting.


Hope said...

YEAH...a new post from Heidi!! Sorry it had to be about such a traumatic event!

Ragged Around the Edges said...

This too shall grow out. Trust me. It will grow out.